Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's been a while

Well it has been quite sometime since I last posted. We have been really busy.... Because we are getting a BABY. I know it is about time right. We are so excited and can not wait to be parents. We have been really busy getting his room all ready. Yes that's right it is a boy and we are going to name him Ryder Paul Taggart. We are getting him right after birth, we are going to be in the room, we get to see him be born. I just cant wait. I am so happy!!! It has been a long time since i ahve been so hapy and I just cant wait to be a mom. I still just cant believe that it has been 4 years since we lost Saide and 3 years since we lost Preston, It just does not see that long. I hope that they are up there getting Ryder ready to come and see up. I just wanted to let everyone know our wonderful news.